By Elke Calhoun
As seasons change, leaves turn, and harvest is brought in from the fields, all Grinnellians sense the smell of autumn in the air. Unfortunately, the smell of autumn is characterized by certain notes of turd, sulfur, and a thousand rotting pig corpses. Dubbed the “Grinsmell” by the wittier of our student body, this heinous aroma appears to be biannual, cropping up regularly during the transition to fall and transition to spring. The “logical” explanation Big Pharma has fed us is that this aroma is manure from neighboring farms, but as the B&S cries, “No more pseudoscience!” We have taken it upon ourselves to investigate this deadly phenomenon and are determined to uncover the root of this Icky Stinky-Stinky.
First, we met with Professor Manu Re of the chemistry department to aid us in parsing through the validity of this scientific propaganda.
“This smell is a scientific wonder,” he informed us, “No single oxygen molecule should be able to bear a weight so foul. It’s physically and chemically impossible!”
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