By Conrad Dahm

Hello Grinnell! That’s right. We. Are. Back! The B&S, the greatest and most accurate newspaper in the history of everything, is back. You may be asking, “what does it mean to be back?” Well, all we can say is that we will be publishing for another semester, but not after a long and arduous journey. Instead of spending winter break relaxing and not being in Burling for 16 hours a day, our staff embarked on an epic journey, a journey that is allowing our newspaper to continue.

We traveled to dimensions and universes unknown to humanity. We encountered challenges unthinkable. It was not easy. Our staff almost quit, almost gave up. However, the thought of leaving Grinnell without the B&S was unthinkable. So we persevered.

And here we are. We managed to ensure that the B&S remains for another semester. Another semester of fact-checking, hard-hitting journalism, and most importantly, remaining the bastion of journalistic integrity at Grinnell College.

Yet to our dear readers, we want to notify you of an important prospect: The B&S is hiring! Yes, it is true. We are looking for more writers. If you want to join a newspaper that is serious and cares about reporting the facts, then look for our application on Handshake. You will be able to write stories like this one (Everything that is written here is 100% true.) So, if you are looking to make money and write for a great newspaper, apply for the B&S. If you are reading this after Feb. 9th at noon, well uh. We’re not sure what to say. 

One important thing to know: No squirrel jokes. Sorry, we don’t make the rules. Someone long ago from the B&S made this rule and we can’t break it.